Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen if I don't extend my subscription?

After the subscription period, the information on the portal won't be visible and your vehicle will be moved to the ‘Unsubscribed’ section.

How many user creations are included in the subscription plan?

Five user creation is included in the subscription plan

What if I add a vehicle mid-month, how will the payment process be?

If you want to add a new vehicle to your subscription,your new vehicle will be subscribed depending on the plan you are on. If you are on a Standard plan, your standard subscription plan will start from the day of payment and end based on the tenure (1,2,3 years)selected. However if you are on Advance plan and want to add a new vehicle, your advance subscription plan will start from the day of payment and will be valid till the end date of current existing Advance plan

My plan has expired. I have recharged again after 2 months. Which historical data can I see?

You can only see the data from the date of subscription

How do I view the details and specifications of any commercial vehicle?

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Do I have to pay additional money over the standard plan to access the driver app?

No it will be included in both standard and advance plan

Will I get any refund if I cancel the subscription in between any plans?

No, there will be no refund for the remaining duration.

I have subscribed to the plan. In how much time will it get activated?

It will be activated within 24 hours

How to upgrade from Standard to Advance plan??

You have to upgrade your entire fleet to Advance Plan.

Can I downgrade my plan?

No you cannot downgrade

How to resolve issues if I face any related to data after subscription?

You can contact our toll free number 18002097979 for any queries or concern or write to us at [email protected]